Stephen Morcom

Stephen Morcom

Stephen is a guitarist and a vocalist who has been recording and playing in bands since the 1960s. His musical story starts at Asquith Boys High School with Garry Frost and Ian Lees who went on to found Moving Pictures.

This is a story of the hey day of Australian and Sydney pub rock and blues, played at venues like Chequers, Newcastle Savoy, Waitara Bluegum, Hornsby Police Boys Club alongside bands like The Radiators, The Angels, AC/DC, Foreday Riders, Finch, Moving Pictures and a host of others.

These days Stephen contents himself with composing, recording with a select group of musician friends, and the occasional live performance in local venues. Musicians love to play.


Facebook: Stephen Morcom

Track List


Recorded at the Asquith Studios of Neil Ashworth
Audio interface: Audient iD14
DAW: Hindenburg Journalist Pro
Mics: Stephen – Shure SM7B, Neil – Blue Encore