I’ll Be Free

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I bought a copy of Papa Lips CD “High Time Now” when it was first released in 1998. One of the tracks on it “I’ll Be Free” stuck me as capturing the optimistic enthusiasm of youth. But what happens to the hopes and dreams of musicians just starting out.

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Facebook: I’ll Be Free

I’m Neil Ashworth and this is “I’ll Be Free”, a podcast about musicians finding a way to make a living, the lessons they’ve learned, and how they survived, or plan to survive, a life in music.

Want to know more?

The Balmain Trilogy

In the first three episodes we talk to founding members of Papa Lips – bassist Rowan Lane, drummer Declan Kelly, and vocalist and guitarist Kara Grainger. They are all in the middle of their careers and have valuable insights in what happens when you choose this life. They have lived through the days of CDs, East Coast milk runs, and the arrival of digital production, Youtube and streaming. Click for episode page.

Young Hearts Run Free

Then we hear from young musicians who are forging their artistry in a world of home studios, Instagram and streaming – Little Green, Sarah Homeh and Charlie Margin. Click for episode page.

No One Told You When To Run

The elders look back over 50 years of music making that spans the time of big labels, vinyl, CDs, and into the modern online connected era – Stephen Morcom and Bruce Reid . Click for episode page.

The final episode in this series is the collected advice of successful musicians on how to make a living when you choose a life in music.

Thanks But No Thanks

A couple of tales about musicians who decided that this was not the life for them, despite success and fame.
